About Us

A Tule Basin brought into water balance through the creation of partnerships that integrates habitat enhancement with sustainable farming into one healthy ecosystem.

  • Protect

    Whether it’s native habitat or newly restored uplands and wetlands, we want to help protect these habitats in perpetuity to create lasting benefits for our community.

  • Preserve

    The southern San Joaquin Valley has a rich agricultural heritage with generations of farming. We’re helping to preserve this heritage by working with farmers to develop new strategies to manage their land and water resources.

  • Restore

    Over thirty threatened and endangered species are found in the San Joaquin Valley. By restoring upland and wetland habitat on former farmland, we’re making a lasting difference for some of California’s rarest species.

  • Manage

    Sustainable land and water management is an active process. We are partnering with leading experts in conservation and water management to design and manage habitat areas that yield multiple benefits.

Tule Basin Land & Water Conservation Trust is a regional nonprofit organization working to protect, preserve, and restore the natural and agricultural heritage of the Southern San Joaquin Valley

Founded in 2019, the Tule Basin Land & Water Conservation Trust was created by local landowners, conservationists, farmers, and water managers who have a passion for conservation and a commitment to supporting the local economy and community. The Trust was launched to support local landowners in making decisions on how best to manage their land and water to achieve local groundwater sustainability. Since its founding, the Trust has worked in collaboration with local irrigation districts, groundwater sustainability agencies, other conservation organizations, and nonprofits, as well as wildlife agencies, to achieve its mission.

Board of Directors

The Tule Trust Board consists of individuals who are invested in the Trust’s purpose of protection, preservation, restoration and management. Board members include agricultural landowners, conservation and preservation experts, plant or animal biologists and ecologists, and experts in grant (federal, state and/or private) applications and implementation.

Frank Fernandes, President

Joey Airoso

Frank Junio

Sarge Green

Kathy Wood-McLaughlin

James Hurlbutt

Kayode Kadara


Susan Long
Executive Director

Kathy Wood-McLaughlin
Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer

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